Tempus, Violentia, Mutatio... And so many more. We do not want all these to be lost, do we?
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The data collected from this form is subject to computer processing based on your consent and intended for Mr. Antony Mc Bride in his capacity as data controller. The purposes pursued are the creation and management of your account. Personal data is kept until you request deletion.
You have the right to access your data, the right to rectify your data, the right to delete your data, the right to limit the processing of your data, the right to transfer your data, the right to object to the processing of your data, the right to non-profiling and the right to be informed of any breach regarding your data. To find out more, please see our privacy policy and our terms of service.
The easiest way to exercise your rights is by e-mailing us at admin@aqua-gutta.com. We will consider and act upon any request in accordance with applicable privacy and data protection laws. In case of dispute, you can file a complaint with the french Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés.